Having a crisis communications and mitigation strategy in place is essential for law firms and businesses of all sizes to be prepared for unexpected situations that could jeopardize their reputation. Think of it like insurance—you hope you never have to use it but are relieved to have it when you need it. In crafting this strategy, companies need to weigh various factors such as the nature of the crisis, the values and expectations of their stakeholders, and the potential impact on their reputation. These considerations will guide the decision on whether to take the traditional route of apologizing and making amends or to embrace the escalation strategy, which is standing firm on the company's values despite the potential backlash.

In traditional public relations 101, the classic method of crisis communications has been to maintain neutrality while demonstrating the three Rs: Recognize the mistake, show Remorse, and act swiftly to Resolve. However, as the dynamics of social media and stakeholder expectations have shifted, there is a growing debate on whether taking a solid position, even at the risk of backlash, can be more effective in building a lasting law firm brand legacy.