Few people are lucky enough to start their careers in their dream positions. Progression often involves changing law firms or exploring different areas of law, and for young attorneys, building a career in today's legal profession makes navigating career changes almost inevitable. While changing firms and practice areas may seem daunting, it is also an incredible opportunity. Switching employers can serve as a natural checkpoint to reassess your strengths and interests, allowing you to identify firms and opportunities that align with your goals. It is no secret that being an attorney is not a 9-to-5 job, so finding the next career move involves more than just securing a position at a firm. It is also a time to evaluate what one is looking for in day-to-day life and whether the firms being considered can provide that.

What someone seeks in a career may vary depending on their stage in their professional journey. For example, an individual graduating from law school may want to prioritize building the foundational skills needed to excel in a legal career on a broader scale. Law school provides an excellent overview of how the law works and how it has developed over time, but unless they were involved in journals or extracurriculars, it may not have entirely taught them how to advocate for a client. The first employer may be a great place to hone the skills that will be significant throughout their career and to work closely with attorneys who not only have decades of experience in the field but also take the time to provide mentorship. For attorneys seeking trial experience, working as a prosecutor or public defender may be a great option early on, as those positions often require going to trial and allow for the practice of trial advocacy skills.