Plaintiff personal injury lawyers are stanch defenders of justice. We advocate for individuals who might otherwise be voiceless and stand up to large corporations that may be perpetrating injustices. We take on causes no one else will touch. Yet there is a common misconception that we are opportunists or "ambulance chasers," when in fact our work significantly improves our society. Because of our work tobacco manufacturers can't advertise to minor children, cars do not explode in rear-end collisions, and pharmaceutical companies must list the side effects of their drugs. If you ask any attorney at our law firm what their proudest career achievement is they would point you to a specific safety measure that was changed after their case, a convenience store that was shut down because of their client, or a statute that they fought to pass in the legislature to help our community.

One of the most significant accomplishments of our law firm over the past 30 years was our fight to successfully pass the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act in 2007. Florida is unique in that pools are ubiquitous. If you don't have a pool at your home or your apartment, you know someone who does. Our year-round summer scorching temperatures demand people to use swimming pools and increases the dangers associated with pools. In the 1980s and the 1990s there was a surge of drownings associated with suction entrapment where young children would get stuck on drains and not be able to surface to the water. These drains were so powerful that a young child could not remove their hand, leg, body or hair from the drain and they would be sucked under water. We successfully led the charge in many lawsuits against pool manufacturers to recover for our clients. But that wasn't enough. We wanted to do more. We needed to do more.