Stephanie C. Rodriguez of Hall Smith Booth. Courtesy photo Stephanie C. Rodriguez of Hall Smith Booth. Courtesy photo

Welcome to the season of summer clerks, where ambitious law students leave their academic castles and venture into the treacherous realms of legal practice. Much like the contenders for the Iron Throne, these aspiring solicitors must navigate the murky waters of law firms, vying for glory and the coveted Golden Pen. Herein lies the wisdom passed down from one generation to the next to help you not only survive but thrive in this legal battlefield.

Be Proactive, not Reactive

In the world of law, where paperwork flows like the endless words of George R.R. Martin, attorneys find themselves perpetually treading water. A summer clerk who can be a valuable resource in this sea of documents will surely catch the eye of the firm's leaders. Make yourself accessible, show interest in ongoing cases and forge your path to assignments. Like a cunning adviser whispering in the king's ear, your initiative will pave the way to your success.