Jeffrey Harvey of Community Legal Services in Orlando, Florida. Courtesy photo Jeffrey Harvey of Community Legal Services in Orlando, Florida. Courtesy photo

The Florida Supreme Court, like many state supreme courts, has established rules related to a lawyer's expected pro bono service. Attorneys licensed in Florida "should furnish a minimum of 20 hours of pro bono legal service to the poor annually or contribute $350 to a legal aid organization." Additional hours of service are encouraged, and can help attorneys connect more deeply with their work and positively impact others, reflecting the core reasons many attorneys chose a legal career

While some within the legal industry are focused on meeting the minimum pro bono requirements, others are taking a different, community-minded approach to service. Lawyers, as part of the social contract between the legal profession and the community, should help people understand the laws and procedures that impact their daily lives. Attorneys should aspire to serve their communities with their legal skill in meaningful ways.