How many times have you been driving on I-95 and witnessed drivers texting or dialing on their cell phones, wandering across lanes of traffic or driving 45 mph while talking? In Florida, it is not yet illegal to use a cell phone while driving. But 19 states prohibit the use of cell phones while driving a school bus, nine prohibit the use of a hand-held phone by all drivers, and four ban all drivers working as a chauffer of any non-family member from using a cell phone while driving.
On Jan. 1, 2012, the Federal Motorist Carrier Safety Administration implemented Regulation 392.82, which bans the use of hand-held cellular telephones by all drivers carrying commercial driver’s licences (CDLs) while operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). Commercial drivers maintain their CDLs through the U.S. Department of Transportation so all drivers, regardless of the state they are in, are subject to the regulation.
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