With summer in full swing, thousands of South Floridians are making recreational travel plans. However, one topic that is usually not “top of mind” when planning a vacation is that tragic accidents can, and often do, happen when traveling out of the country. While unthinkable, a child drowning in a hotel pool, a fall from a parasail leading to paralysis, or a shore excursion ending in tragedy is an all too familiar pattern.
Unfortunately, United States travelers fail to understand the risks involved with leisure travel, and focus only on the enjoyable aspects. That puts them at a legal disadvantage if a death or serious injury were to occur. Many U.S. travelers rely on name brands they trust, many times failing to understand that those resorts are operating on foreign soil where the customs and practices of the resort operators, many times foreign-based companies, are less concerned with solidifying good standards and practices. Certainly less so than we are used to in the United States.
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