The legacy of Marvin Shoob, a federal judge in Atlanta for more than 35 years known as much for his fearlessness as for his compassion on the bench, should be a promise from all who knew him to “do some good,” his son urged family, friends and members of the legal community at Shoob's June 16 memorial service.

Recalling that, when his father retired last year on his 93rd birthday, he said he continued to believe he “could still do some good,” Michael Shoob called on those who came to honor his father and remember his life, “Everybody here today should promise that they will.”

“Our friend, Marvin Shoob, moved through this life committed to choosing what is right over what was expedient,” said former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Georgia, whom Shoob originally encouraged to run for the U.S. Senate when Shoob was an Atlanta trial attorney and Nunn was “a young member of the state Legislature from below the gnat line.”