Georgia's Superior Court judges are set to meet Monday to consider a major overhaul of a court rule in place for decades governing the use of cameras and electronic recording devices in courtrooms across the state.

That rule, Rule 22, was adopted three decades ago largely to regulate and set standards for news media use of news cameras and other recording devices during court proceedings. But with the proliferation of personal electronic devices able to make video and audio recordings, coupled with the explosion of social media, the state's judges have been prompted to propose dramatic changes to the longtime rule.

Cobb County Superior Court Judge Stephen Schuster, chairman of the Rules Committee of the state Council of Superior Court Judges, said the committee would meet in open session Monday from 1-3 p.m. at the council's summer conference on St. Simons Island to hash out the rewrite. If the rules committee reaches consensus on the proposed changes, the entire council will likely vote Wednesday on whether to approve the new rule, Schuster said.