Frank J. Vandall, Emory University School of Law

In the wake of the Las Vegas sniper killing of 58 persons, there are steps that can be taken short of the confiscation of guns.

  1. Mandatory purchase of liability insurance for all guns. Provides a source of recovery for victims.
  2. Register all guns. To enable law enforcement to quickly find the bad guys.
  3. Guns must be restricted to the home. D.C. v. Heller says no more.
  4. Guns must be kept in a lockbox in the home so thieves cannot obtain them.
  5. AK-47's and similar guns must be kept in an armory. These are the most dangerous. Sign them out when needed in order to track AK-47s.
  6. All bullets for all guns must be signed-out of an armory. How bullets are used is important.
  7. If in a car, guns must be disassembled and carried in a lockbox. Canada follows this approach.
  8. Congress should reverse the 2005 gun-sellers' immunity act (PLCAA) in order to encourage innovation by gun manufacturers.
  9. Close the “gun shows” loophole. Guns are dangerous, and all sources are equally important.
  10. No open or closed carry. Guns are to promote safety in the home, not encourage shootouts from hotels or on the streets.
  11. Ban the sale of “bump stocks.” These covert repeating rifles to illegal automatic ones.
  12. Publicize a list of persons with stockpiles of guns. Stockpiles may be an indicator of future violence.
  13. Publicize the list of lawmakers receiving donations over $500 from the NRA. It financially supports and lobbies for the oversaturation of guns.
  14. Reverse the law that prohibits the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from compiling statistics on gun violence. Gun violence is perhaps the most serious epidemic in America with 36,000 deaths. Estimates on the cost to taxpayers and society of gun violence range up to $100 billion per year. (Cook, P.J., Ludwig, J., Future Child, 2002, 86-99.)
  15. The purpose of a silencer is to enable the shooter to kill people before they know where the shot is coming from. Silencers, manufactured or “homemade” should only be permitted to be possessed by the law enforcement and the military.

Frank Vandall teaches a first-year course in torts and a products liability seminar for second- and third-year students at Emory law school. He has been writing about gun safety for 12 years. This is not intended to present the view of Emory University.

Frank J. Vandall, Emory University School of Law

In the wake of the Las Vegas sniper killing of 58 persons, there are steps that can be taken short of the confiscation of guns.

  1. Mandatory purchase of liability insurance for all guns. Provides a source of recovery for victims.
  2. Register all guns. To enable law enforcement to quickly find the bad guys.
  3. Guns must be restricted to the home. D.C. v. Heller says no more.
  4. Guns must be kept in a lockbox in the home so thieves cannot obtain them.
  5. AK-47's and similar guns must be kept in an armory. These are the most dangerous. Sign them out when needed in order to track AK-47s.
  6. All bullets for all guns must be signed-out of an armory. How bullets are used is important.
  7. If in a car, guns must be disassembled and carried in a lockbox. Canada follows this approach.
  8. Congress should reverse the 2005 gun-sellers' immunity act (PLCAA) in order to encourage innovation by gun manufacturers.
  9. Close the “gun shows” loophole. Guns are dangerous, and all sources are equally important.
  10. No open or closed carry. Guns are to promote safety in the home, not encourage shootouts from hotels or on the streets.
  11. Ban the sale of “bump stocks.” These covert repeating rifles to illegal automatic ones.
  12. Publicize a list of persons with stockpiles of guns. Stockpiles may be an indicator of future violence.
  13. Publicize the list of lawmakers receiving donations over $500 from the NRA. It financially supports and lobbies for the oversaturation of guns.
  14. Reverse the law that prohibits the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from compiling statistics on gun violence. Gun violence is perhaps the most serious epidemic in America with 36,000 deaths. Estimates on the cost to taxpayers and society of gun violence range up to $100 billion per year. (Cook, P.J., Ludwig, J., Future Child, 2002, 86-99.)
  15. The purpose of a silencer is to enable the shooter to kill people before they know where the shot is coming from. Silencers, manufactured or “homemade” should only be permitted to be possessed by the law enforcement and the military.

Frank Vandall teaches a first-year course in torts and a products liability seminar for second- and third-year students at Emory law school. He has been writing about gun safety for 12 years. This is not intended to present the view of Emory University.