Amy Refeca, Atlanta Wills & Trusts Law Group Amy Refeca, Atlanta Wills & Trusts Law Group

Amy Refeca of Atlanta Wills + Trusts Law Group makes social media look like a natural extension of her practice. Focused on the fact that women control more than half of the personal wealth in the United States, she uses her firm's Facebook Live sessions to discuss topics such as why women need to have a will or the challenges of balancing business ownership and motherhood. She extends many of these discussions into in-person workshops and speaking appearances. On Instagram and Twitter, she shares valuable information and third-party articles related to women's issues and estate planning. She also highlights client and law firm success stories. On her LinkedIn account, she has developed a close, professional network to which she shares her monthly articles on estate planning.

Here is a Q&A with Refeca:

What are your goals when you post content on social media?

How do you post content to social media often without losing freshness?