Amanda Clark Palmer, Garland Samuel & Loeb, Atlanta. Amanda Clark Palmer, Garland Samuel & Loeb, Atlanta.

Name: Amanda R. Clark Palmer

Title: Partner

Current primary practice area: Criminal defense

Experience: Garland, Samuel, & Loeb, 2008-present


What drew you to a career in law?

I have always said that my becoming a lawyer was somewhat genetic, since both my parents are lawyers. I worked for General Electric for five years after graduating with an engineering degree from Georgia Tech, and although I liked my work, I wanted to do something where I could help people on a more individualized basis. My father was a federal defender in Tallahassee, and growing up, I always thought he brought home the most interesting stories from work. Practicing criminal defense lets me help people during some of the toughest challenges in their lives, and there's almost never a dull moment.

Have you set a specific goal that you want to achieve in the next year?

I have several cases that I expect to be tried in the next year, and my goal is to walk my clients out of the courtroom with an acquittal.

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle?

I'm happy and proud whenever I get a good result for my clients, but I am especially proud of a case I argued before the Supreme Court of Georgia in 2017. We lost at the trial court level and at the Court of Appeals but were successful with the Supreme Court. It was a long road, but the end result was well worth it.

I am fortunate to have had a family that supported me through law school and to work for a firm that has supported me throughout my legal career, so I can't think of many true obstacles or hurdles that I've had to overcome.