Shane O'Neill, Weinberg Wheeler Hudgeins Gunn & Dial, Atlanta. Shane O'Neill, Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial, Atlanta.

Name: P. Shane O'Neill

Title: Partner

Current primary practice area: Commercial and complex tort litigation


Weinberg Wheeler Hudgins Gunn & Dial, 2010-present

Cetrulo & Capone, 2008-2010

Education: Suffolk University School of Law, 2008; Bowdoin College, 2002

What drew you to a career in law?

Organic Chemistry. After spending two classes trying to balance covalent equations, I switched from pre-med to pre-law at Bowdoin College. I have never regretted that decision.

Have you set a specific goal that you want to achieve in the next year?

Continuing to grow my practice by taking on complex and challenging cases for existing and new clients and becoming more involved in the pro bono community as my caseload allows.

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle?

Proudest career moment: Being invited to join the partnership at WWHGD. Biggest hurdle: Moving to a new city (Atlanta), starting a new job (WWHGD), and studying for the Georgia bar exam—all at the same time.