Craig Apolinsky, general counsel, GMS Inc. Craig Apolinsky, general counsel, GMS Inc.

Cash compensation for Craig Apolinsky, VP, GC and corporate secretary at the Tucker-based gypsum management and supply company, remained steady from previous editions of the GC Comp Survey. His salary of $315,042 was unchanged year over year, while his nonequity incentives dropped slightly: from $194,469 in 2016 to $189,025 in 2017. That brings Apolinsky's total cash compensation last year to $504,067.

After spending 11 years at Alston & Bird, Apolinsky has held various in-house roles, including nearly two years as deputy GC at Gold Kist Inc. and more than seven years as the GC at two separate Atlanta-based health care companies. He joined GMS as its top lawyer in July 2015.