Chief Justice P. Harris Hines of the Georgia Supreme Court gives the State of the Judiciary address at the State Capitol Chief Justice P. Harris Hines of the Georgia Supreme Court gives the State of the Judiciary address at the State Capitol (Photo: John Disney/ ALM)

Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice P. Harris Hines likes to quote famous authors, his family and sometimes his favorite lawyers.

To mark his last day at work in a 50-year legal career, here's a sampling of quotations Hines shared during his one year and eight months as chief.

From his baseball coach at Grady High School, the late Erk Russell, who would go on to football fame at the University of Georgia as defensive coordinator and Georgia Southern as head coach:

“The best way to win a game is not to lose it.”

Also from Russell:

“I know they say you're supposed to relax at bat, but I always thought I did better when I was bearing down.”

From Hines speech as he was sworn in as chief in January 2017, quoting one of his favorite song writers, Kris Kristofferson:

“Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known.”

Hines quoted Socrates to describe the duties of a judge:

“To hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially.”

Hines quoting President John F. Kennedy:

“Courage is the most admired of human virtues.”

Hines quoting President George Washington:

“The administration of justice is the finest pillar of good government.”

Speaking to law students at the University of Georgia in Athens, gathered to hear oral arguments on campus in the fall of 2017, Hines quoted James Madison 230 years ago planning the Constitutional Convention and using eight words to persuade George Washington, 43 and battle-weary, to attend:

“General, you must. You are the indispensable man.”

Harris added, “As lawyers, you are the indispensable people.”

Hines, quoting his son, Hap Hines, kicker for the University of Georgia Bulldogs football team from 1996 to 1999, when asked by his father if he ever felt fear:

“Dad, you just play through it.”

Hines on Frank Sinatra's hit lyrics, “I did it my way”:

“That represents truly a horrible philosophy. No one can do it alone.”

Hines quoting Justice Harold Melton, who will become the new chief justice Tuesday:

“Bloom where you are planted.”

Hines referring to Justice David Nahmias, who on Tuesday will replace Melton as presiding justice, one step away from chief:

“Have a pay it forward philosophy, like Justice Nahmias.”

Hines quoting Robin Frazer Clark, former president of the State Bar of Georgia and the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association:

“Look at everything through the eyes of kindness.”

From Hines' last State of the Judiciary address before the Georgia General Assembly in February 2017, referring to his wife of 49 years, Helen Hines:

“Finally, I want to thank the lady to whom I gave my best closing argument ever, when I persuaded her to marry me way back in 1969. Helen, you are my rock, my partner, my best friend, my dear one. You have been with me every step of our journey together and have made me a better man, a better father, and a better judge. … To me, you've always been springtime at the Masters.”

Hines to new lawyers as they receive “certificates suitable for framing”:

“I wish you health and happiness.”