
In this Legal Speak episode, Law.com columnist Patrick Krill talks with Baker Hostetler lawyer Lynn Garson of Atlanta, who bravely shares her story about managing bouts of depression, at times severe, and how she's built a successful career along the way.

Krill, who writes the Well Counseled column, also speaks with Latham & Watkins chief operating officer LeeAnn Black, who explains why her firm was one of several that recently signed a pledge developed by an American Bar Association working group to target substance-use disorders and mental-health issues among lawyers.

We know that the rates of mental health problems and substance abuse are higher among lawyers than in other professions, as shown by the results a groundbreaking study that Krill, founder of consultancy Krill Strategies, spearheaded two years ago. His Legal Speak interview is in conjunction with a series of columns he written for Law.com based on a survey from ALM Intelligence of Am Law 200 firm leaders focused on their attitudes about those problems in the profession.

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