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Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr offered some New Year's Day advice for those whose 2019 resolutions include joining a gym.

State law includes a not-particularly-well-known loophole for health club contracts. If the resolution lasts less than a week, the escape clause applies.

“Georgia law allows a consumer to cancel a contract with a health club within seven business days for any reason,” Carr said in a news release posted on his website. Health clubs have to refund all payments if the membership is canceled within that time, he said. The clubs are allowed to deduct the fair market value of any services received, up to $100.

After the seven-day period, the contract is binding, and failure to make the payments can lead to collection actions—unless the contract fails to comply with other aspects of Georgia law. Carr also advised keeping a copy and reading it carefully for other potential future options.

“Should your signed contract fail to comply with the provisions required by law, you may legally cancel the agreement,” Carr said.

The AG also offered tips for keeping the contract—and the resolution. The key is advance discovery work seeking recommendations from friends on the facility and posing questions ahead of signing about costs any extra fees and services. Near the top of the list is location: Those most likely to go to the gym are those who find one near home or office, eliminating a separate trip.

“Many Georgians may be making regular exercise a New Year's resolution this year,” Carr said. “Joining a gym is a great way to stay in shape, but we want Georgians to do some homework before choosing a facility to help ensure their investment pays off.”