(Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM) (Photo: Diego M. Radzinschi/ALM)

The 500-member Atlanta Lawyers Chapter of the conservative Federalist Society is growing younger.

Lawyers under 40 are forming a subset of the group that counts among its ranks most of the state and federal judicial nominees of recent years.

The announcement came at the January luncheon where former White House independent counsel Ken Starr talked about his new book, “Contempt: a Memoir of the Clinton Investigation.” Starr held up a copy of the New York Times—revealing he still reads it in print—and said, “For the young lawyers, this is a newspaper.”

Stephen Morrison III, a law clerk at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, delivered the news about the younger group. He assured the elders that the young lawyers would not compete with the main group's often-sold-out monthly lunch, which hosts newsmaker speeches.

Morrison said later that Joseph Hart of Fellows Labriola will head the executive committee for the new group. The young lawyers committee plans to host a regular happy hour event, starting in February. They posted an EventBrite invitation on Facebook.

“We are delighted to announce the launch of the Federalist Society's Young Lawyers Chapter in Atlanta,” the Facebook post said. “To celebrate the kick-off of our new chapter, we invite you to join us at 5Church Atlanta on February 28 for a drink or two (open bar provided). We look forward to meeting new acquaintances and catching up with old friends. We'll be raising glasses and toasting to liberty starting at 5:30 p.m.”

The invitation said the new group “seeks to provide an avenue for networking and relationship building among young lawyers.”

The Atlanta chapter has grown to 500 members, according to the group's chairman, Frank Strickland of Strickland Brockington Lewis. The group has an executive board and a board of advisors, many of whom are judges.

In addition to Hart and Morrison, Hart said the young lawyers committee executive board also includes: Victoria Cuneo Powell, Katie Jo Luningham, Maxwell Thelen, Ed Bedard, Elizabeth Penland and Jeremiah Egger.