Samantha, a divorce lawyer, is 18 weeks pregnant with her second child and thinks she has turned a corner on so-called morning sickness. “I haven't thrown up since Sunday,” she tells  seven more-than-understanding women at the monthly lunch gathering of the “Working Moms” group of the Georgia Association of Women Lawyers.

At the request of the Daily Report, the women have agreed to discuss their views of how pregnancy and raising children have affected their careers. The newspaper's interest was piqued by a widely-read article by the New York Law Journal, a Daily Report affiliate, about how some women lawyers were paying thousands of dollars to have eggs and embryos frozen so they could choose to have children later in their careers. The Daily Report promised to use only the participants' first names so they would feel comfortable openly sharing details about family planning and other personal stories.

The women at lunch reported a wide range of experiences. Two said they were fired from legal jobs in the middle of their pregnancies. One of those said she had to leave the office frequently while going through in vitro fertilization, leading her employer to say she “didn't seem focused.”