Keisha Lipscomb, Squire Patton Boggs, Atlanta (Courtesy photo) Keshia Lipscomb, Squire Patton Boggs, Atlanta (Courtesy photo)

Job Title: Associate.

Current primary practice area: Litigation.

Experience: Squire Patton Boggs, February 2018-present; Dentons, July 2015-February 2018; Fields Howell, August 2012-July 2015.

Education: University of Tennessee College of Law, 2012; Duke University, 2008.

What drew you to a career in law? The intellectual challenge. I consider myself a perpetual student and have always enjoyed reading, writing, learning and analyzing. Practicing law presents new challenges every day, with a wide variety of tasks and issues to tackle. Lawyers have the unique opportunity to become experts in the legal field but to continue learning and exploring new issues when faced with changes in the law or questions arising from the specific ins and outs of their clients' various businesses and industries or the facts of a specific case.

Have you set a specific goal that you want to achieve in the next year? My goal in the next year is to become more involved in the Atlanta community, particularly the legal community, by joining organizations that involve causes that I value personally and can contribute to meaningfully.

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle? My proudest career moment was my first time taking the lead in a case, handling strategy development, taking depositions and negotiating the eventual settlement. Though the matter was small, I realized how much I had learned through experience. My biggest hurdle is related—I started out my legal career with a healthy fear of actually practicing law, knowing that I had a lot to learn beyond what law school can teach. I am now much more confident in my litigation skills and in handling the typical day-to-day tasks, but I need to become more confident in the soft skills and business skills that will push me to the next level in my development, my practice and my career.