Raj Shah, MAG Mutual, Atlanta (Courtesy photo) Raj Shah, MAG Mutual, Atlanta (Courtesy photo)

Title: Senior regulatory attorney.

Current primary practice area: Health care/regulatory compliance.

Experience: MagMutual Insurance Co., 2018 to present; Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs, 2010-2018.

Education: University of Georgia School of Law, 2010; University of Georgia, 2006.

What drew you to a career in law?

I've always enjoyed advocacy and counseling, so becoming a lawyer was a natural fit for me. My masters in public administration exposed me to administrative law, and I graduated from law school right when the Affordable Care Act was passed, so it was great timing that I was joining Parker Hudson's well respected health care practice group while the health law landscape was dramatically changing.

Have you set a specific goal that you want to achieve in the next year?

My goal is to better equip my internal clients (the underwriting team who issues our cyber and regulatory insurance policies) with the appropriate knowledge and tools to better understand the health care regulatory landscape. I also want to produce more engaging educational content to our policyholders in navigating the fraud and abuse laws. I have found my pro bono work assisting unaccompanied minors in obtaining asylum extremely rewarding, and I hope to encourage at least five attorneys to take on a pro bono asylum case.

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle?

My proudest career moment was when I was able to deliver a TED Talk regarding “Why Workplace Wellness Matters” and advancing diversity, inclusion and wellness efforts at Parker Hudson. My biggest hurdle has been managing the slow speed of the legal system when clients have important objectives they need to accomplish that require regulatory approval (both for my corporate clients and my pro bono clients).