(Photo: Chinnapong/Shutterstock.com)

As Gov. Brian Kemp weighs his first pick to the state's appellate courts, consider the information he has about the six finalists recommended last month by his Judicial Nominating Commission.

Each candidate had to complete an extensive application, and below are links to the forms from each one, as provided by the JNC. They include resumes, summaries of their current practices or duties (Question 12), summaries of significant litigated matters they handled (Question 13f), experience in court the past five years (Question 14); appellate experience (Question 15); and their view of how clerks should serve appeals court judges (Question 20). The applications also include legal writing samples at the end of each application.

The Daily Report has covered the candidates' birthdates, home addresses, home and cellphone numbers and names of family members.

Click on the candidate's name to see their application: