(Photo: Shutterstock.com) (Photo: Shutterstock.com)

Since I woke on Saturday morning to news that peaceful demonstrations against police violence and racism had splintered into riots, we have learned a lot about the discomfort and fear African Americans feel every day. The examples, like a lawyer who said a neighbor called the police to check on him when he was sitting in the lobby of his own condominium building, abound.

We'd like to share more of those stories and others from as many perspectives as we have readers, to reflect what it is like during this turbulent period.

Readers must feel passionately about any number of issues that have been raised: systemic racism, free speech, vandalism, police policy, qualified immunity—not to mention the ongoing pandemic, the economy and the slate of elections this year. But as officers of the court or those who support them, you are trained in the rule of law, the deliberate analysis and application of facts to duly enacted statutes and constitutions that govern us.

This life, at the intersection of law and humanity, puts you in the ideal position to understand what is happening and how some of these problems might be resolved.

The Daily Report aims to be a forum for the legal community to discuss these tough issues respectfully.

Send me an email at [email protected], and we'll try to publish your thoughts or explore your story. You can also call me at 404-419-2839 to discuss your ideas. If you need to speak anonymously, we can discuss that too.

Jonathan Ringel, managing editor