[caption id="attachment_83886" align="alignnone" width="767"]Man in suit holding whistle in mouth with right arm extended, holding a red card in his hand. Photo by Peter Booth/iStock (Photo: Peter Booth/iStock)[/caption] The 10 members of the Judicial Qualifications Commission of Georgia play an important role. Their JQC Investigative Panel investigates and prosecutes allegations of judicial misconduct. And the three-member Hearing Panel adjudicates when the Investigative Panel brings formal charges of misconduct. The JQC also is authorized to issue advisory opinions regarding judicial misconduct. While the Hearing Panel can recommend punishment, including removal from office, the Supreme Court of Georgia retains final decision-making in matters of judicial misconduct. Click through the slideshow to meet the judicial watchdogs.

JQC Investigative Panel

Judges Behaving Badly: A Look at Georgia Judicial Misconduct

JQC Hearing Panel