[caption id="attachment_105031" align="alignnone" width="768"]Magnifying glass amplifying the image of a judge silhouette to represent a judicial candidate being acquired. Credit: alexmillos/Adobe Stock (Credit: alexmillos/Adobe Stock)[/caption] Thirty finalists. Eleven judgeships. One decision-maker. The Judicial Nominating Commission for the State of Georgia has released several short lists of candidates from which Gov. Brian Kemp could draw for seven superior and four state court vacancies, including in Atlanta. From judges to district attorneys and law firm partners, the shortlisted candidates are in the running to fill superior court vacancies in the judicial circuits of Alcovy, Atlanta, Blue Ridge, Coweta, Lookout Mountain, Mountain and South Georgia and state court vacancies in the Western, Clayton and Gwinnett judicial circuits.  

Superior Court Vacancies

[caption id="attachment_99791" align="alignright" width="300"]Chief Judge Christopher S. Brasher, Atlanta Judicial Circuit. Retiring Dec. 1, 2022. Courtesy photo. Chief Judge Christopher S. Brasher, Atlanta Judicial Circuit. (Courtesy photo)[/caption] Atlanta Judicial Circuit Nine months after Chief Judge Christopher S. Brasher announced his plans to retire from the Fulton County Superior Court Dec. 1, the JNC has released a shortlist of four candidates to potentially fill his place. The shortlist consists of Fulton County Chief Magistrate Judge Cassandra Kirk, Inspector General Scott F. McAfee, Atlanta attorney K. Eric Morrow and Municipal Court of Atlanta Chief Judge Christopher T. Portis.

Atlanta Judicial Circuit Finalists

Alcovy Judicial Circuit The JNC has shortlisted three candidates to fill the vacancy in the Superior Court of the Alcovy Judicial Circuit created by the resignation of the Judge John M. Ott after 32 years on the bench. At the age of 68, Ott  announced in October he'd be stepping down from the bench on Dec. 31. Now Chief Assistant District Attorney W. Cliff Howard of the Alcovy Judicial Circuit's Walton County District Attorney's Office, Preston & Malcom partner R. Michael Malcom and Walton County Magistrate Court Judge G. Kevin Morris are in the running to fill the judgeship that serves Newton and Walton counties.

Alcovy Judicial Circuit Finalists

Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit In the Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit that encompasses Cherokee County, legislation passed during the 2022 session of the Georgia General Assembly has created a new judgeship for the governor to fill. Cherokee County State Court Judge A. Dee Morris and Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit District Attorney Shannon Wallace are being considered for the position.

Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit Finalists

Coweta Judicial Circuit [caption id="attachment_105072" align="alignleft" width="300"] Former Georgia Senator Bill Hamrick. (Courtesy photo)[/caption] More than three months after Kemp announced his appointment of Coweta Judicial Circuit Judge William "Bill" Grady Hamrick III to the Georgia State-wide Business Court in August, four candidates have been shortlisted as finalists to fill the judgeship covering Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Meriwether and Troup counties. Chief Assistant District Attorney C. Jephson Bendinger of the Coweta Judicial Circuit, Strickland Debrow equity partner Kimberly Bourroughs Debrow, Troup County Solicitor General Sandra Heath Taylor and State Court of Carroll County Judge Erica L. Tisinger are in the running to become superior court judge.

Coweta Judicial Circuit Finalists

Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit [caption id="attachment_105045" align="alignright" width="300"]Judge Ralph Van Pelt, Jr., Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit. Courtesy photo Judge Ralph Van Pelt, Jr., Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit. (Courtesy photo)[/caption] In northwest Georgia, Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit Judge Ralph Van Pelt will resign, effective Dec. 1, after a 26-year stint on the superior court bench covering Catoosa, Chattooga, Dade and Walker counties. In a resignation letter submitted to Kemp on Feb. 18, Van Pelt announced plans to "reenter the private practice of law." "I soon will have been practicing law for 42 years," Van Pelt wrote. "By the time I leave office in November, I will have had the pleasure of serving some 36 years of that as an assistant district attorney, the elected district attorney and superior court judge of this circuit." The JNC has shortlisted Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit District Attorney Chris A. Arnt, associate attorney Anne Willard Fiddler of the Law Office of Joseph E. Willard, Jr. and Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit Senior Assistant District Attorney Clayton M. Fuller.

Lookout Mountain Judicial Candidates

Mountain Judicial Circuit Legislation passed during the 2022 session of the Georgia General Assembly created a new judgeship in the Mountain Judicial Circuit which covers Habersham, Rabun and Stevens counties. Mountain Judicial Circuit Juvenile Court Judge B. Nichole Carswell and William R. Oliver, an attorney with Oliver and Weidner and part-time Habersham County solicitor general, are being considered for the new seat on the superior court bench.

Mountain Judicial Circuit Finalists

South Georgia Judicial Circuit [caption id="attachment_99969" align="alignright" width="300"]Chief Judge J. Kevin Chason, South Georgia Judicial Circuit. Retiring Nov. 13, 2022. Courtesy photo. Chief Judge J. Kevin Chason, South Georgia Judicial Circuit. Retiring Nov. 13, 2022. (Courtesy photo)[/caption] In the South Georgia Judicial Circuit, two vacancies exist following the Nov. 13 resignation of Chief Judge J. Kevin Chason, as well as legislation passed during the 2022 session. After almost 14 years of superior court service, Chason considered his service on the superior court bench "an honor and a privilege," but said he'd decided to trade his title as judge for that of in-house counsel at United National Bank in Cairo. "I have found the work challenging and meaningful," Chason wrote in his resignation letter dated May 10. Now three lawyers are in the running for the two available seats on the superior court bench. Solo practitioners M. Claire Chason of the Chason Law Firm in Cairo, Lawton C. Heard Jr. of Heard Law Group in Camilla and Hall Booth Smith partner Barbara Mulholland of Albany are being considered for the positions.

South Georgia Judicial Circuit Finalists

State Court Vacancies

Clayton Judicial Circuit [caption id="attachment_100161" align="alignright" width="300"]Chief Judge Linda S. Cowen, Clayton Judicial Circuit. Courtesy photo Chief Judge Linda S. Cowen, Clayton Judicial Circuit. (Courtesy photo)[/caption] After submitting her letter of resignation to the governor on July 1, Chief Judge Linda S. Cowen will hang up her black robe on Dec. 31 after 26 years on the Clayton County State Court bench. The JNC has shortlisted Clayton Magistrate Court Presiding Judge Sonyja J. George, Clayton Probate Court Associate Judge Atha H. Pryor and Clayton Magistrate Court Associate Judge Tameka A. West as candidates to fill the vacancy.

Clayton Judicial Circuit Finalists

Gwinnett Judicial Circuit During the 2022 session of the Georgia General Assembly, legislators passed HB 1570 (Act 786) creating a new judgeship in the State Court of Gwinnett County. The JNC shortlisted Gwinnett County Recorder's Court Chief Judge Kathrine M. Armstrong, City of Suwanee Chief Municipal Court Judge Norman H. Cuadra and Andersen, Tate & Carr associate attorney Jaletta Long Smith as candidates for the position.

Gwinnett Judicial Circuit Finalists

[caption id="attachment_99796" align="alignright" width="200"]Chief Judge Ethelyn Simpson, Clarke County State Court. Retiring Dec. 31, 2022. Courtesy photo. Chief Judge Ethelyn Simpson, Clarke County State Court. Courtesy photo.[/caption] Western Judicial Circuit Changes are in store for the Western Judicial Circuit, which consists of Clarke and Oconee counties. At the end of the year, Clarke County State Court Chief Judge Ethelyn Simpson will close the book on 14 years of service with the court. "Serving as a state court judge has been the highest honor and privilege of my professional career," Simpson wrote in her resignation letter dated July 25. "The decision to retire has not been an easy one." Norris Law attorney John R. Autry, Municipal Court of Athens-Clarke County Judge Ryan S. Hope and Clarke County Chief Magistrate Benjamin Makin are in the running to fill the vacancy created by Simpson's impending retirement.

Clarke County State Court Finalists