Add Atlanta and Moultrie to the depressingly long list of mass shootings after an Atlanta gunman opened fire at the Northside Medical Midtown Center and killed a 38-year-old woman and wounded four other innocent people devoting their lives to helping fellow human beings. One day later, a gunman in Moultrie shot and killed his mother and grandmother before going to a local McDonald's where he killed an employee before taking his own life.

The statistics are staggering. As of April 21, since 2006, 2,842 people have died in mass shootings—happening in homes, houses of worship, schools (lots of them), grocery stores, ballrooms, party venues, concerts. Any provocation, no matter how minor, inflames homicidal passions—knock on the wrong door, pull into the wrong driveway, mistake the wrong car. Road rage out of control. And the pace is accelerating in 2023—88 lives in 17 mass shootings in the first 111 days.