Plaintiff's counsel argues Ford Motor Co. is "double the number of briefing pages before [the Court of Appeals]" as a $1.7 billion verdict awarded by a Gwinnett County jury in 2022 awaits the results of three different appellate court opinions.

The accusation came in the form of a motion to dismiss a claim filed by Ford's attorneys,  Alan Thomas and Paul Malek of Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart in Birmingham, J. Randolph Evans of Squire Patton Boggs, Audrey Berland, Michael Eady of Thompson Coe in Texas and Michael Boorman and Philip Henderson of Watson Spence resulting from the case's original 2018 trial. The product liability suit was originally filed by Kim and Adam Hill, the adult sons of South Georgia farmers Melvin and Voncile Hill, who died in 2014 when a tire blew out, causing their Ford F-250 to roll over. The sons claimed their parents died because the roof crushed on them in what should have been a survivable accident.