In honor of the young gunners out there aiming for the top rung of the Big Firm ladder-many of whom are featured on these pages-I offer this ode to Big Firm life, as told from their hypothetical perspective:

I believe in Big Firm life. I believe in the power of large law firms to make the world a better place in six-minute increments by inspiring hard work. I believe that requiring Big Firm lawyers to record precisely what they do every 360 seconds each day of their working lives encourages them to avoid the time-wasting, inefficient habits of less sophisticated workers-such as watching Michael Phelps set Olympic records via Web broadcasts. I believe in the power of the IT department to track lawyers’ use of the Internet to ensure that young Cogs are not tempted by these vices of the weak and to discourage those who may be distracted from billing by undiagnosed attention-deficient disorder.