A federal jury in Rome has ordered liquor magnate and former congressional candidate Roger F. Kahn to pay more than $1.9 million to the children of his niece after determining that Kahn had fraudulently taken assets from a trust set up by his father for the children’s benefit. The original named plaintiff in the case, who stole from the defendant, according to the suit, received nothing.
The jury also ordered Kahn to pay more than $1.7 million in lawyers’ fees and expenses, which will be added to the damages award. “Rome is not generally known as some sort of hotbed of liberal plaintiffs jurors, so we were very pleased” with the outcome, said Arnall Golden Gregory’s Jason E. Bring, one of a trio of AGG partners, including Allen I. Hirsch and led by Charles T. Huddleston, that handled the case at trial.
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