The Macon Telegraph reported a disturbing story Friday about a mother who pleaded guilty to helping her boyfriend rape her daughters. Near the end of the article, reporter Joe Kovac Jr. quoted Bibb County Superior Court Judge Howard Simms, who was presiding over the case, as saying this to the defendant: “‘I don’t know that I have ever said a curse word from this bench,’ he said, ‘but you may be the vilest bitch that I have ever met.’ The judge, his voice solemn, then spoke of ‘a special place in hell for people who do’ what [Amanda] Arellano did.”
What she did, the Telegraph reported she admitted in court, was hold down her daughters, then ages 8 and 6, to be raped by her boyfriend, force them into other sex acts and take pictures. The judge sentenced her to 30 years in prison. The boyfriend, Daniel Kelly Copeland, has already pleaded guilty to the same acts and is serving a 25-year prison sentence. Both sentences include lifetime probation and sex offender registry.
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