Atlanta is home to the world’s busiest airport and to the nation’s public health experts. The first American Ebola patients were treated in Atlanta, and its medical and public health professionals are being dispatched to West Africa and around the country to confront the deadly disease. Thus, Georgia’s policies regarding entering travelers from Ebola-affected regions have a particular significance to the efforts to control the spread of Ebola in the United States.
New policies were announced by Governor Nathan Deal on Oct. 27. Travelers who show symptoms will be isolated immediately and transferred to an appropriate hospital. Travelers without symptoms will be monitored. The level of monitoring depends on how they are categorized. Travelers from affected countries without a known exposure with an Ebola patient are considered “low risk” and will be required to sign an agreement to monitor their temperature and symptoms twice a day for 21 days and report results to the Georgia Department of Public Health. Medical personnel who treated Ebola patients will be ordered to submit to visual monitoring (either in person or by video) twice per day by Public Health. Noncompliance with monitoring will result in quarantine. Nonmedical travelers known to have direct exposure to an Ebola patient are considered “high risk” and will be quarantined in a designated facility.
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