Since taking office, President Donald Trump has issued multiple executive orders: He excluded immigrants and nonimmigrants from entering this country from seven Muslim-majority countries; commanded that a wall be built between the U.S. and Mexico; and required agencies to repeal two “regulations” for each new one that is proposed. In his own workplace, he summarily demoted the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the joint chiefs from their roles on the National Security Council. He told State Department employees to quit if they didn’t like what he was doing. He fired the acting attorney general for instructing the Department of Justice not to follow the immigration ban, and expressing her legal opinion that it was unlawful. He’s even delayed implementation of OSHA’s rule strengthening limits for workers’ exposure to beryllium. Despite his promise to his base of being the greatest job producer “God has ever created,” his focus has not yet been on creating jobs.

How has this affected the workplace?