Publication Date: 2005-06-10
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Andrews, Gary Blaylock
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Jeffrey H. Schneider Weissman, Nowack, Curry & Wilco PC, Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: . David H. Flint, Lynn C. Stewart Schreeder, Wheeler & Flint LLP, William J. Mayfield, Atlanta, Gerald Davidson Jr. Davidson & Tucker LLP, Duluth, Robert J. Hulsey, Linda S. Finley McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb, Nichols & Clark LLC, Roswell, and Donald C. Suessmith Jr. McCurdy & Candler LLC, Decatur, for appellees. Other party representation: Daniel P. Leary and Larry Myerson, Plantation, Fla.
Case Number: A05A0252
Amendments to a subdivision's restrictive covenants, which allowed for the commercial use of all of the lots, was valid with the consent of 90-percent of the lot owners, as provided for by the recor