Publication Date: 2024-12-13
Practice Area: Constitutional Law
Industry: State and Local Government
Court: Georgia Supreme Court
Judge: Justice Ellington
Attorneys: For plaintiff: David N. Dreyer, Quinton G. Washington, Deana Holiday Ingraham, (Washington Dreyer & Associates, LLC), Atlanta, Gerald Richard Weber, Jr., (Law Offices of Gerald Weber, LLC), Atlanta, Ebony Jervonnè Brown, Megan Toomer, (Southern Center for Human Rights), Atlanta, Zack Greenamyre, (Mitchell & Shapiro LLP), Atlanta, , for appellant.
for defendant: Patricia Beth Attaway Burton, Ross Warren Bergethon, Deborah Nolan Gore, Christopher M. Carr, Stephen John Petrany, Zachary Mullinax, Justin Thomas Golart, (Department of Law), Atlanta, for appellee.
Case Number: S24A0591
Court constitutionality of statute that places restrictions on disruptive conduct in legislative spaces