Michelli Rivera, Fisher & Phillips, Atlanta. Michelli Rivera, Fisher & Phillips, Atlanta.

Name: Michelli Rivera

Title: Attorney

Current primary practice area: Labor and employment


Fisher & Phillips, Oct. 2015-present

Burr & Forman, 2014-2015


Georgia State University College of Law, 2014; Georgia State University, 2010

What drew you to a career in law?

The ability to make a difference in a tangible and quantifiable manner and the opportunity to constantly interact with the individuals whom you service on an individual level.

Have you set a specific goal that you want to achieve in the next year?

I want to leverage my position as an ambassador to our firm's Women in Leadership Council to increase support, training and resources to our young female associates in a way that creates a pipeline for their success.

What has been your proudest career moment and your biggest hurdle?

Proudest career moment: It may sound simple, but my proudest career moments happen every time I attain the maturity to perform tasks I would have been scared to handle before (e.g., the first time I picked up the phone on-the-spot and was able to provide knowledgeable advice to a client; the first time I took the deposition of a difficult plaintiff; or the first time I gave a public speech). Those are the moments that remind you of your own capabilities and strengths.

Biggest hurdle: Understanding and learning how to inspire trust and confidence in key decision makers as a young female attorney.