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Potter Anderson & Corroon partner Brad Davey is scheduled to participate in a DealLawyers.com panel on Jan. 29, 2019, titled “Controlling Shareholders: The Latest Developments.”

The panelists will share insights on the standards of review that apply to different types of transactions involving controlling shareholders, key considerations in structuring a controlling shareholder transaction, and how to reduce the risks of controlling shareholder status.

Davey is a partner in Potter Anderson's corporate group. His practice focuses primarily on business, corporate and alternative entities litigation in the Delaware Court of Chancery. He advises directors, acquirers and financial advisers in connection with mergers and acquisition litigation.

In addition, Davey has experience litigating and providing advice regarding various proceedings under the Delaware General Corporation Law, including appraisal, advancement and indemnification, books-and-records demands, and director election contests. He has also assisted companies from a wide range of industries with special investigations of alleged improper conduct.