Delaware Supreme Court Building Delaware Supreme Court Building

The Delaware Supreme Court this week released "COVID-19 FAQs for Supreme Court Appeals," detailing new filings deadlines and other procedural changes spurred by coronavirus concerns.


The guidance came after Delaware Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz Jr.'s March 22 order directing all court facilities to remain closed to the public until at least April 15.

"Since the declaration of a judicial emergency on March 14, 2020, the courts have done remarkable work using video and telephone instead of in-person appearances while postponing non-emergency matters," Seitz said in a press release. "Despite these measures to reduce the traffic in our state courthouses, we have had several possible exposures which have been reported publicly. Given the escalating nature of the public health emergency, we needed to take further measures to protect the safety of the courts and our justice partners while keeping essential judicial functions operating."

Read the Supreme Court's "COVID-19 FAQs for Supreme Court Appeals":

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