Jon Koones, a one-third owner of the crypto-mining company Power Block LLC, filed a petition for dissolution on Thursday in Delaware Court of Chancery. The complaint alleges that the other two owners froze Koones out of the company and denied him access to his $1.9 million share of bitcoin. The suit further contends that the cryptocurrency market has 'taken a nosedive,' making it impractical to continue running the business. The petition was filed by Connolly Gallagher and Dressel/Malikschmitt. Counsel have not yet appeared for the respondents. The case is 2022-1107, In re Dissolution of the Power Block Group LLC.

This suit was surfaced by Radar, a source for high-speed legal news and litigation updates personalized to your practice. Radar publishes daily updates on just-filed federal cases like this one. Click here to get started and be first to know about new suits in your region, practice area or client sector. Read the complaint here: