• Harris v. Lord & Taylor LLC

    Publication Date: 2019-05-08
    Practice Area: Class Actions | Cybersecurity
    Industry: Retail
    Court: U.S. District Court of Delaware
    Judge: District Judge Noreika
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Ralph N. Sianni, Andersen Sleater Sianni, LLC, Wilmington, DE; Janine Pollack, The Sultzer Law Group P.C., New York, NY; Daniel Tepper, Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP, New York, NY; Ben Barnow and Erich P. Schork, Barnow and Assoc., P.C., Chicago, IL; Howard L. Longman and Melissa R. Emert, Stull, Stull & Brody, New York, NY; Charles E. Schaffer, Levin Sedran & Berman LLP, Philadelphia, PA; Jeffrey S. Goldenberg, Goldenberg Schneider, LPA, Cincinnati, OH; Gary Ma-son, Whitfield Bryson & Mason LLP, Washington, DC; Laurence D. King and David A. Straite, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer, LLP, New York, NY; John A. Yanchunis and Ryan McGee, Morgan & Morgan, Tampa, FL; Jean Sutton Martin, The Law Office of Jeane Sutton Martin PLLC, Wilmington, NC; Lynda J. Grant, The Grant Law Firm PLLC, New York, NY for plaintiff and pro-posed class.
    for defendant: Jody C. Barillare, Gregory T. Parks, Ezra D. Church and Kristin M. Hadgis, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP, Wilmington, DE and Philadelphia, PA for defendant.

    Case Number: D68553

    Both public and private interests favored the transfer of this class action proceeding to a federal district court in another state, where a similar action was already pending.

  • Marshal T. Simpson Trust v. Invicta Networks, Inc., DEFAX Case No. D67717 (D.Del. Apr. 19, 2017), Robinson, J. (10 pages).

    Publication Date: 2017-05-10
    Practice Area: Business Torts | Cybersecurity
    Industry: Technology Media and Telecom
    Court: U.S. District Court of Delaware
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: D67717

    Plaintiffs' claims for breach of fiduciary duty were derivative, and plaintiffs' failure to make demand or plead demand futility required dismissal of those claims. Conclusory allegations merely sta