Page 107 - ALMExperts 2024 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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ALM EXPERTS: Legal Expert Pages (Western Edition) 2024 Environmental Forensics
Fulcrum Inquiry Christopher D. Dore, Ph.D., M.B.A., Philip T. Tringale, PhD,
Renee Howdeshell RPA PE
Los Angeles, CA Cultural Heritage Experts Senior Consultant
Phone: (213) 787-4100 Tucson, AZ Langan
E-mail: rhowdeshell@fulcrum .com Phone: (415) 466-2980 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 505
E-mail: Christopher .Dore@heritagebusiness .
(Please see our resume on page 373 for further org Oakland, CA 94612
details.) Phone: (510) 874-7011
Fax: (510) 874-7001
(Please see our complete listing under the E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC. following area of expertise: Expert Categories: Web: http://www .langan .com
G. Michael Phillips Archaeology) blank
Pasadena, CA 515 South Flower Street, Suite 1060
Phone: (626) 744-3540 BRIAN SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS, Los Angeles, CA 90071
E-mail: contactpfc@rule26 .com CSDS, CMCC, CFSC Phone: (213) 943-1310
DAVID SPIEGEL CR, CIEC, CMRS Fax: (213) 943-1301
(Please see our resume on page 392 for further SPIEGEL PROPERTY DAMAGE E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
details.) Web: http://www .langan .com
LaVerne, CA 135 Main St #1500,
ENTERTAINMENT Phone: (909) 596-5573 San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 955-5200
Cell: (909) 241-0711
INDUSTRY Toll Free Phone: (800) 266-8988 Fax: (415) 955-5201
E-mail: Brian@SpiegelExpertServices .com E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
Web: http://www .langan .com
Lauren Cole (Please see our resume on page 403 for further
President details.) Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D .; M .Eng .; M .S .; B .S .;
Cole Media John R. Welch, Ph.D., RPA Professional Engineer (PE) in CA, NY
863 S . Gretna Green Way Profile: Dr . Tringale has directed numerous
Los Angeles, CA 90049 Cultural Heritage Experts site assessments and remediation programs
Phone: (310) 207-5064 Tucson, AZ involving soil and groundwater contaminated
E-mail: lauren@colemediala .com Phone: (415) 466-2980 primarily by emerging contaminants, organic
Web: http://www .colemediala .com E-mail: John .Welch@heritagebusiness .org solvents, metals, and petroleum products . He
has particular expertise in site characterization
Degrees/Licenses: MBA, Stanford Graduate (Please see our complete listing under the and in the use of in-situ testing to evaluate
School of Business following area of expertise: Expert Categories: soil properties . Dr . Tringale has provided
AB, Applied Mathematics, Harvard College Archaeology) final design for remedial actions that involve
excavation, containment, bioremediation,
Profile: Expert in the economics of the vacuum extraction, monitoring, and
media and entertainment industry . Strategy, ENVIRONMENTAL groundwater treatment . Dr . Tringale has EXPERT CATEGORIES
operational, and expert witness work across also provided expert testimony in support
sectors including streaming (subscription ENGINEERING of counsel for cases involving National
video-on-demand, advertiser-supported VOD, Contingency Plan compliance, identification of
transactional VOD, FAST), pay and broadcast contaminant sources, magnitude and extent of
television, film and television production John Shaw, PE contamination, remedial cost estimates, and
and distribution, theatrical exhibition, live John Shaw Consulting, LLC allocation of cost and responsibility .
entertainment . Global experience . Cole Media Phone: (530) 550-1576
is a boutique strategy consulting firm focusing
on the entertainment industry that was formed (Please see our resume on page 401 for further ENVIRONMENTAL
in 2002 and has worked with nearly 200 details.)
clients . FORENSICS
Philip T. Tringale, PhD, PE
Senior Consultant
Oakland, CA
Phone: (510) 874-7011
E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (213) 943-1310
E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
San Francisco, CA
Phone: (415) 955-5200
E-mail: ptringale@langan .com
(Please see our complete listing under the
following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
Environmental Engineering)
Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness 85