Accident Reconstruction Expert Witnesses
Expert witnesses in accident reconstruction listed here represent a comprehensive list of specialists representing the wide range of accident reconstruction litigation. These experts can advise, prepare professional reports and testify in cases involving accident reconstruction, such as: collision analysis, collision severity, acceleration and speed determinations, traffic and highway safety, vehicle (bus, truck, car, and motorcycle) safety, automotive braking, tire marks, vehicle failure, rollovers, steering angles, use of lights, turn signals and cruise control, crashworthiness, and many other matters related to accident causation and liability.
We work with accidents in the following Specialties:
Products and Equipment
Premises and Property Safety, including Slips, Tr... Full Bio >
Mr. Smith, P. E. , is a forensic mechanical engineer/design/safety expert since 1982:
I am a board certified Diplomate of Fore... Full Bio >