Audiology Expert Witnesses
Expert witnesses in audiology can consult and share their expertise regarding hearing, hearing loss, hearing disorders, assessment of hearing, and hearing tests. Audiology witnesses can also testify in cases involving the onset of vertigo and other ear-related issues from accidents, medical malpractice causing damage to hearing, and the effect of drugs on hearing.
CHOOSE RELIABILITY, EFFICIENCY, AND EXPERTISE, WHERE MEDICINE MEETS THE LAW MLP IME provides high-quality nationwide physician expert witness services and inde... Full Bio >
Tucson, AZ
Elite Medical Experts is a physician-run firm specializing exclusively in medical litigation. From Hospital Administrators to top-tier Surg... Full Bio >
Jacksonville, FL
Dr. Knox is a double board-certified ear surgeon and trained expert witness with over 40 years of experience operating on ear, balance, and hearing conditio... Full Bio >
Milford, CT
Dr. Steven Levine is an award-winning board-certified Otolaryngologist-Head & Neck Surgeon (Ear, Nose & Throat). Former Yale, Cornell and Penn faculty. Medical... Full Bio >
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