Combustion Equipment Expert Witnesses
Search our engineering expert witness and consultant directory that includes expert listings for biomechanical engineering, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, forensic engineering, metallurgy, Combustion Equipment and more. Browse our list of categories or use our search tool to find the right engineering expert witness or consultant for your case.
Houston, TX
KnightHawk Engineering is a specialty engineering company with over three decades of experience providing expert legal services since 1991. We offer expert wit... Full Bio >
Akron, OH
We work with accidents in the following Specialties:
Products and Equipment
Premises and Property Safety, including Slips, Tr... Full Bio >
Dallas, TX
Bradley N. Plank, PE uses his combination of mechanical and materials (metals and plastics) experience and education to provide forensic and consulting enginee... Full Bio >
Dover, NH
Craig Williams has decades of professional engineering experience in forensic engineering, failure analysis, research, design, construction, operations, and ma... Full Bio >
Willow Street, PA
Dave is a licensed mechanical engineer and certified fire and explosion investigator with experience in the design, testing, maintenance and service of gas and... Full Bio >
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Professional engineer with 45 years of experience in mechanical engineering, including designing, constructing, and maintaining various industries such... Full Bio >
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