Aimee Nefcy MD, Nefcy MedTox Expert LLC
42807 Ford Rd , #122 Canton, MI 48187
(734) 328 9677
Primary Area of Expertise
Expert Witness Profile
Board certified in Medical Toxicology in Detroit with years of experience diagnosing and treating poisoned patients in emergency, intensive care, inpatient and outpatient settings. Extensive experience with forensic toxicology, interpretation of laboratory results, and analysis of post-mortem charts with reporting to the National Poison Data System. Experience with inhaled toxins, acute lung injury, drug overdose, withdrawal syndromes of all types, carbon monoxide poisoning, drug interactions, medication adverse reactions, toxidromes, heavy metal poisoning, spider bites, envenomations, acute lung injury and many others. Strong history of educating the public and experience in writing and public speaking.