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Primary Area of Expertise

Plastics Engineering

Expert Witness Profile

Dr. Scott specializes in material structure, properties, and processing. His work emphasizes thermoplastics, thermosets, blends, composites, and multicomponent formulations. He has extensive experience with manufacturing, product development, product design, and failure analysis. Systems investigated include plastics, coatings, paints, adhesives, rubbers, foams, fibers, suspensions, emulsions, and pastes. He is the inventor on 12 U.S. patents, author of more than 35 articles in peer reviewed journals, and author of 40 conference proceedings. Dr. Scott has conducted failure analysis investigations and developed product designs in a broad range of applications, including: automotive components, consumer products, medical devices, aerospace, pharmaceuticals, coatings, prints, construction materials, and packaging.

Education & Licenses

B.S. in Chemical Engineering; M.S. in Macromolecular Science; PhD in Chemical Engineering