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Primary Area of Expertise

Cellular Evidence Analysis

Expert Witness Profile

Mr. Williams has more than 30 years in the wireless/mobile location field, the last 20+ as President of E911-LBS Consulting which focuses on location and social media-related cellphone forensics analysis and Intellectual Property consulting. He has served as an expert in over 200 criminal, civil, patent, anti-trust, ITC, and trade secret matters, including being deposed over 40 times and testifying over 12 times in ITC, Federal District, and various federal, state, county, and local criminal/civil courts, including internationally.

Mr. Williams is an expert in cellphone forensics investigation and analysis services involving GPS, E911, LBS, RFID, RTLS, Cell ID/ECID, GIS, Wi-Fi, TDOA, BLE, Beacons, UWB, Ultrasound/IR, NFC, AFLT and other location technologies. He is also expert in analyzing social media data to determine what role and how social media may contribute to location-related incidents--particularly homicide, arson, and robbery- related--and is fluent in numerous forensics data/data analysis tools including Call Detail Records (CDRs), NELOS, PCMD, RTT, EVDO, Cellebrite, CellHawk, and Paraben. Mr. Williams has nearly three decades of experience working with carriers and mobile application providers (particularly in Location-Based Services, public safety, telematics, and social media) resulting in an extremely detailed insider understanding of their inner technical design and implementation, and thus able to expertly—and exhaustively—analyze and opine on the (in)validity of mobile system forensic data. He is also a leading expert in location technology issues in the Internet of Things (IoT), driverless car, and consumer/business privacy fields, as wells as the emerging AI-based location, context, and forensics fields.