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Primary Area of Expertise

Child Sexual Abuse

Expert Witness Profile

Diane Cranley is an expert in child sexual abuse prevention and the author of 8 Ways to Create Their Fate: Protecting the Sexual Innocence of Children in Youth-Serving Organizations. She provides case consultation, opinion reports, and testimony in cases alleging molestation, child sexual abuse or assault, sexual misconduct, grooming, boundary violations, and mandated reporting failures or delays in youth-serving organizations.

Her expertise is a good fit whether the alleged offender is an adult or juvenile in criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings.

As a child sexual abuse prevention consultant, Diane works with K-12 schools and other youth-serving organizations to develop and implement strategic child sexual abuse prevention plans including boundary policies, supervision practices, reporting procedures, prevention training, documentation, and technology to support these key areas.

Diane's online grooming and boundaries training is provided to millions of K-12 school employees nationwide through school organizations, risk pools, insurers, and safety training providers. Her California-mandated reporter and child sexual abuse prevention training is viewed by over 250,000 public school employees annually.

Whether you are representing a plaintiff or a defendant, this working knowledge of sexual abuse prevention best practices is crucial. It will help you delineate how the organization's policies, practices, documentation, and training at the time of the alleged incident of abuse compared to state laws, regulations, and best practices and if staff, site administrators, and organization leadership responded in accordance with them.

This precise understanding can help you develop a sound approach, reasonable settlement expectations, and an effective trial strategy.