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Expert Bio

Primary Area of Expertise

Credit Reporting

Expert Witness Profile

Doug Minor is a highly experienced credit reporting and damages expert witness/consultant with over 30 years of expertise in the field. He holds a Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Certification from the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) and specializes in a wide range of credit-related matters, including:

Credit report evaluation and preparation of credit damages reports. Analysis of modern credit scoring systems and reporting codes. Identification and quantification of various types of credit damages. Assessment of FCRA violations and adherence to industry standards for dispute resolution processes. Review of residential mortgage loan documents. Evaluation of unfair debt collection practices (FDCPA). Testimony evaluation and development of deposition and trial questions.

Since 2010, Doug has been engaged in over 150 cases, testified at more than 20 depositions, and has been qualified and testified in both Federal and State Courts.

With a pragmatic approach and a broad base of business experience, Doug offers unique insight and academic expertise to assess and quantify credit damages. He is a respected authority in credit-related damages, credit reporting, and scoring, and he serves as a litigation consultant and expert witness for cases involving credit damages and mortgage-related disputes.

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Education & Licenses

Executive MBA from Saint Mary's College of California GPA 3.72