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Expert Bio

Primary Area of Expertise

Product and Process Development

Expert Witness Profile

● BACKGROUND: 35+ years' experience in product design, product development, manufacturing. Product innovation part-time academic since 2009. Certified New Product Development Professional (NPDP) since 2008 by the Product Development and Management Association. Member of: Society of Plastics Engineers, American Society for Quality. Expert witness services to Product Liability, Intellectual Property (IP), and Commercial Dispute litigators.

● Keywords: ISO 9001, Product Development, Product Design, Design For Manufacturing, FMEA, Plastic Product Design, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), N95 Mask, Earplug, Hearing Protection, Respiratory Protection, Dental Device, Medical Device, Toy, Consumer Product, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Furniture.


Education & Licenses

BSID, ASU Engineering School. MBA, Pepperdine. PDMA NPDP.