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Expert Bio

Primary Area of Expertise

Nursing Homes

Expert Witness Profile

Ms. Kathleen Martin, has extensive experience in health care with 30+ years' experience in acute-care hospital where she specialized in critical care nursing and an additional 12 years as a long term care Director of Nursing and as Administrator. She has been responsible for the oversight of nursing and clinical operations of 7 LTC facilities in NJ for a LTC Management company. She has been an expert witness and LNC for 30 years, advising plaintiff and defense attorneys on both clinical and administrative healthcare operations.

Ms. Martin is licensed as a Long Term Care Nursing Home Administrator, and is a Certified Professional in Health Care Quality, required by hospitals for positions in Quality Management. She is a Malcolm Baldrige Quality Examiner, and American Heath Care Association National Gold Award Examiner. She is well versed in most areas of healthcare from a clinical and operations point of view. For the LTC industry, she consults for facilities on CMS and DOH survey prep, writing plans of correction, instruct staff on how to avoid deficiencies, write plans of correction and document as per regulation the required reportables, educate staff on quality, performance improvement and other LTC issues.

Ms. Martin's specialties include General Nursing, Geriatric, Long Term Care, Assisted Living, Nursing Management, Medical, Nursing standards, Wound/Fall management, Regulatory Affairs (JCAHO/Dept. of Health), IVs, Restraints, Wounds care, Pain Management, Abuse/Neglect, Various Procedures.

Case Review is completed in an efficient manner with a fairly rapid turn-around-time. Many references from very satisfied attorneys are available from various parts of US.

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Education & Licenses

Degrees: MSN, MPA
Licenses: RN - NY, NJ, AZ